For beer review #1000, I went with a French beer while watching the New Orleans/Minnesota game. Seemed somewhat fitting. Les Brasseurs de Gayant: la Goudale Rating: B
Pours a bright, light golden body. Some haze, but it was served quite cold. Huge, white head that foamed up nicely, proved to be a bit rocky and laced really well down the glass.
Lemon/apricot and malt aroma. Alcohol clears out the sinuses a bit to allow for the malt to provide some sweetness to mix well with the citrus. yeast offers mild spices and a touch of floral.
Citrus dominates here in the flavor. Malt is light and sweet, but does anchor the lemony and unripe apricot flavors.
I would think the carbonation would have contributed more to this beer and its feel. The alcohol thins things out, but carbonation could have mixed well with the citrus and malt. As it is, the sugar cookie leaves kind of a flat finish, with lemon in the back seat.
Still, quite drinkable at 7.8% abv. Solid offering
Serving type: bottle
Reviewed on: 09-10-2010 03:59:53